
With placement approaching and this placement being a HPE placement I am starting to feel a little concerned and worried about how I will integrate ICT into my lessons.  Without knowing what the students will be learning, what my mentor will allow me to teach and what access they have to ICT, I need to start collecting as many different ICT resources that I may be able to use on a HPE placement.

Starting this progress I started a Google search ICT used in HPE. Well as you can imagine a whole list of sites came up ranging from peoples personal blogs, The Australian Curriculum and webpages like The P.E Geek and Nerdy Phy-Eder.  All these I have now saved in Feedly for future reference. Now it’s time to sift and find the resources and ideas I am looking for.

Going through each one does take time so let me share with you one of the thing I did find;

I read an article from the webpage Nerdy Phy-Eder about how he was lucky enough to purchase a A.R Drone (a flying quadcopter/helicopter that is controlled by your iPad/iPhone, that records footage from a higher ground) I was thinking along the same lines of recording students through their lessons either it be a skill they are learning or a game, and then later get the students to watch and talk about the mistakes they made, or the great play they did, what would work better, or where they were going wrong with the skill they are learning.  An A.R Drone would be amazing if you have access to it on placement, as from what the Nerdy Phy-Eder was saying you can get a better view of the whole class without anyone running in front of the camera or iPad through filming the A.R Drone is up above out site out of mind of the students.  I may not be able to get my hands on the A.R Drone but it has got me thinking that when I do film the students on placement to consider all aspects of where and how I will film to get as little disruption as possible.

Now I am off to sift through all the other resources that are out there, I will keep you posted and share with you what else I come across.





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