From reading Coreena’s Blog about variation in games, it took me back to my first HPE placement.  My mentor was a huge fan of using these games even for year 10 students.  As Coreena said you would be surprised at how much fun that actually have.

Going on from Coreena’s blog I learnt that the games you choose can be altered and changed to suit the age, ability and the skill that you are learning in that lesson.  For example – I was teaching Skipping for the duration of my placement, and each year level the students were focusing on different skills, preps concentrating on keeping feet together toes pointed, and then year 6 were focusing on advance skipping of like cross overs and backwards skipping, but still keeping toes pointed etc.  Anyway so when we did the warm up activity of Ship to shore or rob the nest I would alter the game so student would have to skip with a pretend rope or when they got out of ship to shore to get back into the game they had to skip on the side line 5 times before joining back in.  The whole time the students did this they still had to focus on the skill itself (feet together toes pointed)

As HPE is usually only 30min class or if you’re lucky a 40min the more chances you get to focus on a particular skill the more chances the students have of grasping that skill.  Thank Coreena for reminding me of this, I will definitely be using this on my next placement.

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