Searching YouTube

Following my blog from earlier about using ICT within HPE, I went on a search for more information.  I decided to search YouTube and see if I can get some examples of ICT used in HPE.  I came across Kevin Morrow.  He has a number of YouTube clips using ICT in HPE; I have shared one of his videos here, where he discusses the benefits of integrating ICT into his lesson.

He talks about how he has turned his learning environment into a modern environment with the use of ‘Apple’ products.  Students get the chance to watch training videos to see how professionals participate in sport, using ‘Nike plus for iPods’ for personal and cross country progress, become more organised with the use of apps and computers etc…

Watching this video has showed me that using ICT in HPE allows for peer/collaboration work, challenges the teacher and learner, and also makes the whole experience FUN.

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